Hosting is a service usually provided by a third party. Web hosts own and care for web servers. A web server is a computer that has server software installed and is connected to the internet. For a free, the owners of the server or host allow individual to copy their Web site files to the web server so that they are accessible to everyone with an Internet connection. In addition to owning server and renting space, web hosts take care of the servers. They might also provide additional software that tracks the number of visitor you site has. Most web host will sell a complete package, including space for your etc, email, traffic reports( number of visitors to your side), and URL purchasing.
Computer Support Specialist.
The technical support specialist deals with the nitty-gritty of troubleshooting and problem solving, using specialized technical knowledge to provide computer support. Help desk support serves as the middleman, acting as the administrator to answer the phone and route the call to the proper specialist.
Technical Writer.
Technical writers write, edit, and preparepublications In many fields of techonology, science, engineering , and medicine including articles for technical and scientific journals.the publication may be technical reports, instruction manuals, articles, papers, proposals, brochures and booklets, and even speeches for technical meetings and conferences. Technical writers must remain objective and factual with the subject matter they have been assigned to write. The language the writers use must be simple, direct, and contain a minimum number of nonfunctional descriptive adjectives.
Software Engineer
In software engineering the systematic ad organized approach is adopted. Based on the nature of the problem and development constraints various tools and techniques are applied in order to develop quality software. The definition of software engineering is based on two terms :
· Discipline : for finding the solution to the prob
lem an Engineer applies appropriate theories, methods and tools. While finding the solutions, engineers must think of the organizational and fi
nancial constraints. Within these constraints
only he/she has to find the solution.
· Product : the software product gets developed after following systematic theories, methods and tools along with the appropriate management activities.
Network Adminstrator
A professional responsible of the maintenance of the software systems and computer hardware that make up a computer network. The responsibilities of the N
etwork Administrator are to plan, install, customize, maintain, document and operationally support all servers, server-based systems, related hardware/software and all network components, including but not limited to, all routers, firewalls, hubs, data switches, etc.
Database Administrator .
Every organization using a database man
agement system to manage data requires a database administration group to ensure the effective use and deployment of the company’s database. Since most modern organizations of any size use a DBMS, the n
eed for a database administrator (DBA) is greater today than ever before. However the discipline of database administration is neither well understood nor universally practiced in a coherent and easily replicated manner.
System Analyst.
System analyst is a good facilitator and has above-average communication skills. A programmer or consultant who designs and manages the development of business applications. Typically, systems analysts are more involved in design issues than in day-to-day coding.
A programmer is someone who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programmin
g or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software.
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